It was a Saturday, Valentine's Eve, that I went with my boyfriend to watch a movie in Ayala. The top two picks were"Valentine's Day" and "The Wolfman". Having heard mass prior to going to Ayala, we were not fortunate to make it to "Valentine's Day" and settled for "The Wolfman" instead.
So in we went to the cinema and carefully made our way to our seats. Then I noticed that somebody was sitting on my designated seat so I asked that girl what was her seat number. Anyway, she moved to where she was supposed to be seated and was twittering away with her bunch of friends.
And since she was right beside me, it was hard not to have heard her statements.
Girl1 (beside me): Sus, abi gyud nako na ang Twilight kay horror or kanang patay-patay ba. Naghuwat gyud ko until the end kung naay paakon. Wala man diay. Wala gyud ko kahibaw na love story ang Twilight. (Oh, I really thought that Twilight is a horror flick with lots of blood and gore. I waited til the end for somebody to get bitten. It turns out there was none. I didn't know that Twilight is a love story.)
Me (just thinking): Haler! From what rock do you live under?!!! I haven't read the book but I sure know that it's a love story. Ok ra unta kung lalaki ka na wala ka kaila ug Twilight, duh! (It would have been ok if you're a guy and have no idea what Twilight is, duh!)
Girl2: Libro mana ang Twilight, series mana sila. Ang girl kay love interest niya ang vampire pero kato iyang kababata na werewolf kay ganahan pud niya. (Twilight is a book, a series in fact. The girl's love interest is a vampire but her childhood friend who's a werewolf also likes her.)
Girl3: Lawas na kaayo si Taylor Lautner noh? (Taylor Lautner is so buffed, right?)
Then the trailer of Iron Man 2 was being shown on the screen.
(See this link to see firsthand what the girl is talking about in the next line.
Girl1: Hala, naa diay na movie na "Iron 2 Man"? Karon pa lagi ko ana na movie... (Hey, there's a movie called "Iron 2 Man"? It's the first time I've heard of it...)
Girl3: Iron Man 2 ba... (It's Iron Man 2...)
Girl1: Ah, Iron Man 2 diay! (Oh, it's Iron Man 2 after all!) Hehehe....
Me (thinking): I swear this girl lives under a rock!
Girl1: Ah, Iron Man 2 diay! (Oh, it's Iron Man 2 after all!) Hehehe....
Me (thinking): I swear this girl lives under a rock!
Girl1: Kaning "The Wolfman" ba, werewolf-werewolf ni? (This movie "The Wolfman", is this about werewolves?)
Me (thinking): "The Wolfman" ang title gani! Alangan man aswang or vampire ang mo guwa na bida aning salidaha! Angatch oi. (The movie is titled "The Wolfman"! It would have been titled otherwise if it turns out that a vampire is the lead character of this movie. What a dummy.)
Good thing the movie started. I didn't want to hear any other thought she has on whatever!
Rrrraaaarrrr!!! Somebody please help this girl and others who are just like her (I hope there aren't a lot!).
This was written in my Facebook Notes last March 29, 2010.
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